PIXL - Interactive LED Panel

PIXL is designed to increase the value of and augment the experience of actives that park goers already enjoy while introducing new and engaging activities. The design will incentivize both pedestrian use and city planner’s involvement with public parks.

Park space is critical to the developmental intentions for large cities. Smart urban growth, real estate values, and public health can be positively influenced by the acquisition and development of public park spaces. How can we increase the number of activities that people do in a park and enhance the ones they already enjoy? “In Fort Worth, Texas, crime dropped 28 percent within a one-mile radius of community centers where midnight basketball was offered. In the areas around five other Fort Worth community centers where the programs were not offered, crime rose an average of 39 percent during the same period.” -The Benefits of Parks: Why America Needs More City Parks and Open Space.


enliving index